Join us at North First Education on October 6th

Join your neighbors this fall for our 2014 NorthFirst: EDUCATION social event on October 6th. This is a great opportunity to get to know other residents and neighborhood organizations and community, enjoy a delicious dinner, hear some great spoken word artist and hear some brief presentations about topics of interest to neighborhoods and residents. Come for a bite and stay for some conversation. Just make sure you RSVP today!

6:00-7:00pm Social hour, Freedom of Xpression Open Mic in the theater, and Info Exchange
7:00-8:00 Presentations in the theater
8:00-8:30pm Networking and information sharing
North First Education FlyerSPEAKERS
MC for the evening – Ann Kaari, Victory Neighborhood Association

Northside Schools Collective: Eyes on Education
Lynne Crockett, Northside Schools Collective

Why can’t my son go from Henry to Harvard?
Martine Smaller, Northside Educational Alliance

Mayor Hodge’s Cradle to K Cabinet
Dianne Haulcy, City of Minneapolis

Peer Mentored Youth: Food For Thoughts and the process of the creative
Brianna Wilson

Summa Summa Summa Summatech!
Kerry Felder, Northside Education Activist

Think BIG
Justin Fogel, Big Brothers Big Sisters

Creative Coping
Dr. Sheronda Orridge, Loving Spirit Life Coach Academy

Digital Kinship: Positioning to  a Place of Power
Lanise Block, Digital Empowerment Academy

The Secret to Staying Young is Youth
Cherie Irby

Lazos Latinos, Northside Latino Network
Victor Martinez, Director of Lazos Latinos


The work that must be done to bring northMinneapolis neighborhoods into tomorrows vision for healthy neighborhoods will take some heavy lifting – it is work better done with friends! So, join the Northside Neighborhoods Council and learn more about the next steps – they are ours to take together – and you need to tell us what you think those steps should be.


Make your reservation now. We look forward to seeing you on the 28th, and bring a friend who might be interested!

Learn more at
The Northside Neighborhood Council is a collaborative group of Neighborhood Organizations from the northside of Minneapolis. Read more about the NNC here.

“NNC invites and encourages participation from all residents. If you need this material in an alternative format please call 335-5924 by 10/1. Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons may contact 335-5924 to use a relay service.”