Tell Your Neighbors About Winter Parking

regina flyering
Regina, our awesome intern, letting neighbors know where to park for safer streets and happier neighbors.

Winter parking restrictions has been in effect since Sunday, but many of our neighbors are not aware of the change. This can be especially difficult for new neighbors whose first language is not English, or those simply out of the loop. Help us get them informed by letting us know where to go.

If you have a block with a lot of cars parked on the even side of the street, let CNA staff know and we’ll do a doorknock and flyering on your block asap. Or, if you’d like to do this yourself, print the flyer below and flyer the cars or doors on your block so your neighbors don’t get towed and your street stays clear.

[button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] Download Flyer[/button]

Find out more about Winter Parking Restrictions here or by calling 311.