They say a picture is worth 1000 words, well we’ve collected 52,000+ words then (but just 52 pictures, don’t get overwhelmed) for you to reminisce on all that’s happened in the Cleveland Neighborhood in 2015. What’s missing is your beautiful moments that we don’t capture on camera, those connections with neighbors, a random act of kindness, your own families memorable moments. We’d love to hear your stories of what’s happened in the neighborhood last year or what’s happening this year. Share your stories in the comments here or on social media or email us at cna@clevelandneighborhood.org. We’ll be featuring neighbor stories through out the year in 2016. But now, on to a Year in Review. And you can view past years as well if you’d like at yearinreview.clevelandneighborhood.org.
[button link=”http://yearinreview.clevelandneighborhood.org/2015″ type=”big”] 2015: A Year In Review[/button]