The Cleveland Neighborhood Association functions through committees. All residents are welcomed to attend our open committee meetings to participate in the decision making of the association. We ask that residents try to attend
Events Committee
The Events Committee is made up of Cleveland Residents who help put on Live on the Drive and other events.
Meetings are at 6:30 pm, on the Second Thursday of the month. In the event of a holiday, the meeting may be rescheduled. Check the Complete Calendar for more information on meetings times and place.
Crime and Safety
The Crime and Safety Committee focuses on issues related to the safety and well-being of Cleveland Residents. Some of the work of the Committee is to address the perceptions of crime versus the reality. The Committee also nurtures relationships between the residents and the Police Department and make residents aware of resources available to provide home security assessments.
Additionally, the Committee works with Regulatory Services and residents on the exterior appearances of homes. When Inspection Sweeps are set to occur, timely communication to residents is important so that they have the opportunity to be prepared for the inspection.
Meetings are at 6:30 pm, on the First Tuesday of the month. In the event of a holiday, the meeting may be rescheduled. Check the Complete Calendar for more information on meetings times and place.
Community Development
Community Development Committee is dedicated to improving and building the economic environment of not only the Cleveland Neighborhood but also the North Minneapolis community as a whole. We evaluate, provide funding and network with other neighborhoods, developers, public agencies, lenders and organization to create new developments, improving existing properties and marketing of our region to interested parties.
Overall, the committee looks at Land Use, Green Space, Parks, Transportation and Employment, Economic Development, Housing Development, Housing Redevelopment and Business Retention and Expansion.
Additionally, as part of Economic Development is Social Development. The committee works to integrate lifelong learning is part of the fabric of the community and partners with Minneapolis Public Schools Community Education to bring Youth and Adult Enrichment Learning to the community.
The Community Development Committee is also responsible for the Quarterly Newsletter, Cleveland Connection as well as maintenance of the website and facebook pages.
Meetings of the Community Development Committee are at 6:30 pm, on the Second Tuesday of the month. In the event of a holiday, the meeting may be rescheduled. Check the Complete Calendar for more information on meetings times and place.
Youth Committee
The Youth Committee engages the community by hosting and planning “Party in the Park,” Movie Nights, CNA’s Summer Day Camp, and Garden-in-a Box (is at capacity for 2017). They also team up with the Green Team Committee to continue Cleveland Neighborhood Association’s partnership with Lucy Laney Elementary’s Summer School. In 2017 they will be educating the summer school at Cleveland Neighborhood’s Garden on Thursdays! The Youth Committee meets the first Thursday of every month from 6:30pm-7:30pm at Cleveland Neighborhood Association’s Office or in Cleveland Park (weather permitting).
Green Team Committee
The Cleveland Neighborhood Green Committee is mindful of our communities impact within our local neighborhoods ecosystem, of which, we aim to protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint by integrating environmentally friendly practices and education into Cleveland Neighborhood Association’s vision of community and development.
Stay Tuned for meeting days and times.