Published <span class="entry-date"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-08-10T13:10:29-05:00">August 10, 2015</time></span> at <a href="">1920 × 1436</a> in <a href="" rel="gallery">City_Fruit_City_People_Dehydration_Class_(8406229069)</a>
Canning is the showy star of the preserving world, but drying fruit is also a great, space-saving way to preserve the bounty of your summer fruits and vegetables. In September 2012, City Fruit and City People’s Garden Store offered a free class on fruit dehydrating. It was taught by Kristin Danielson-Wong, who has been practicing and teaching fruit dehydration for a while (she’s also a yoga teacher at Lotus Yoga in Columbia City You can find more preserving classes on the Fresh-Picked calendar here: