Cleveland Connector Lab May 28th

CConnector Lab Iconome one, Come all to the Cleveland Connector Lab on May 28th from 6-8pm! During the month of April we hosted 30 Days of Community where we co-hosted a variety of community events initiated by Cleveland residents. Throughout the month we asked residents: “What would you do with $500 to make a difference in your community?” and we heard a wide range of answers. Now we are ready to take the next step to turning a few of those ideas into a reality, but we need your help. Here are just a few of the ideas residents came up with:

  • Neighborhood Cookout
  • Business opportunities for neighborhood youth
  • Farmers Market on vacant lots
  • Hire youth to do neighborhood clean ups and educate on recycling
  • Literacy initiative collaboration with Lucy Laney School

The Connector Lab will be a two hour workshop were you’ll come together with other residents on the topic of interest to you and put together an action plan to turn that idea into a reality. We’ll have pizza for dinner and we won’t bore you with long speeches, just a chance to get your hands dirty and begin creating something as a community. Will you join us?

RSVP here or on Facebook or email, call or text us at 612-567-1262 and we’ll make sure we have enough pizza for you 🙂