Flea Market, June 2nd, 2012
As part of the Camden Community Garage Sale, the Cleveland Neighborhood has obtained some space for a Flea Market in the Penn Avenue parking lot of Lucy Craft Laney School. This is at 33rd Avenue North and Penn Avenue North.
This is a good opportunity to draw attention to your sale, by co-locating with 10 or more households. These types of sales draw more people to your sale.
If you are interested in reserving your spot, at no cost to you, please send an e-mail to: fleamarket@clevelandneighborhood.org.
You will get a spot that is about 10′ x 6′. If you need more than one spot, let us know. You will need to bring your own tables, bags, etc.
The sale will start at 7am (6:30am you can set-up) and go until 1 PM and each party will be responsible for taking their unsold merchandise home with them.
This event will occur rain or shine.