Join us for the Connector Party!

Connector Party

Connector PartyCome one, Come all to the Cleveland Connector Party on Feb 18th from 6-8pm! Whether you’ve been a Connector for years or we just told you about it yesterday, we’d like to invite you out to the Connector Party to say “Thank You” and to allow you to meet others in the neighborhood who are committed to making Cleveland a great place to live by connecting neighbors.

Join us for an evening meal and a brief presentation on what being a Connector is all about. There will be plenty of time to meet each other, share ideas and concerns, and ask questions. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

RSVP Today! and we’ll make sure we have enough dinner for you 🙂

(Not an official “Connector” yet? It’s a pretty easy thing to start doing, all it requires is to receive and respond to a monthly email check-in about your block. Want to give it a shot? Join today and choose “Cleveland Connector Monthly Check-in” on the options at this link. )