Do you love gardening and want to help your neighborhood school with their new garden? The students in the summer program worked hard all summer at keeping up the three garden beds at Lucy Laney School, but now that the school year has started they could use some help making sure the weeds stay away! This is a great volunteer opportunity as you can stop by whenever it works for you and pull some weeds to your hearts content. The beds are located on the northside of the school and on the west side of the parking lot (off of 34th Ave N.). You can let Steve Alexander at the school know you’re available and then go for it! Call him at 612-668-2223
They are also looking for help to find and haul soil to fill the other garden beds that weren’t used this summer. If you have access to a pick-up or free dirt, please contact Steve Alexander at the school. Call him at 612-668-2223