Sunday, July 15th, 1-5 pm
Maps Available at 3615 Sheridan Avenue North
The Cleveland Neighborhood is taking nominations for the 2012 garden tour. Nominate your own yard or a neighbors to be included on our self-guided walking tour.
This event provides a great opportunity to get to know others in our neighborhood and to get ideas for your own landscaping designs. Because many of the hosts are available during the tour, this is a good time to ask “how-to” questions and find out how easy it is to get started.
Typically, the tour has between 10 and 15 gardens. Please consider being a host or going on the tour this year. All gardening levels (beginners to advanced) welcome. Register by July 1 to have your home on the tour. Fill out the form below or download to your computer and e-mail to cna@clevelandneighborhood.org.
If you have any questions, please call the office, 612-588-1155